[New Costume Release 22rd of September]
Costume Set: The Lingering Sunset
*Skill details will be updated once released
<The Great Patriarch - Lu Bu>
Fury Skill: Attack enemies in a column with an attack that does not increase Enmity, halves your current HP, reduces healing received to 0% and increases your defence. (This attack does not consume Fury.)
<The Outlaw of the Wilderness - Gabriel>
Fury Skill: Attack enemies in a column with armor piercing magic damage, deal frost damage over time and steal some fury, increases your attack and decreases your fury consumption for a turn.
<The Sheriff - Lindy>
Fury Skill: Heal allies in an Infinite cross based on the selected target and regenerate HP for a turn, decreases your fury consumption.
<The Great Warrior - Arson>
Fury Skill: Deal damage to enemies in a cross, deal Fire damage over time and zero their critical chance for 2 turns.
Questions? Errors?
Feel free to send me a PM at LINE ID: TheRavenProductions
Guide/Translation by Raven @ www.youtube.com/TheRavenProductions